Real Estate

Advanced construction company has the experience and precise knowledge of the real estate market in the Kingdom, which enables it to achieve the maximum benefit for itself and its partners or clients of real estate development operations, starting from partial or complete repair of old properties, renovating existing buildings, or purchasing vacant lands and establishing innovative projects on them.

Advanced Construction Company has precise knowledge of the real estate market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and when we supervise a specific project, we work with many different parties throughout the stages of real estate development, including architects, city planners, government inspectors, contractors, lawyers, and brokers, which ensures that we obtain We provide a comprehensive overview of all project details, which shows the strengths and weaknesses of the project we are supervising before starting it, which helps us present the best idea for the project.

Preparing Project Implementation Ideas:

In the beginning, we prepare ideas for the project, based on our vision and knowledge of the needs of the real estate market in the Kingdom and society in general. During this stage, we prepare preliminary financial studies to ensure the feasibility of the project and the possibility of its success.

Initial Implementation Of Ideas:

We crystallize ideas by studying the site, making financial studies and initial designs for the project, and then preparing market studies, financial feasibility, and designs that qualify us to obtain the necessary licenses to implement the project.

Final Designs:

After obtaining the licenses, then comes the final designs stage, starting to negotiate construction contracts, identifying the approved contractor to contract with, and contracting with financiers to obtain real estate financing for the project.

Contact Us

    Head Office

    7774 صلاح الدين الايوبي
    4379، حي الملك عبدالعزيز, Riyadh 12233