Engineering Consultants

Advanced Construction Consulting Office provides specialized services in the field of engineering, to help clients design and implement their projects effectively and efficiently. Our office offers a wide range of advisory and supervisory services that meet the needs of various sectors.

Advanced Construction Consulting Office is a high-class engineering edifice in the heart of the Kingdom, specializing in engineering supervision, business design, and project management. The office is proud to have a group of engineers and consultants with more than thirty years of experience in various engineering fields. We at Advanced Construction are committed to providing a comprehensive range of engineering consultations that cover all stages of the project, from innovative design to careful supervision of the implementation and final delivery stages.

Advanced construction has played a very important role in advancing the urban renaissance in the Kingdom, while cultivating unique fingerprints characterized by architectural creativity and precision in supervision processes. We have built a strong record in this field by establishing the highest engineering standards in supervising a group of huge projects covering all parts of the Kingdom.

Consulting services:

Our team of experts conducts engineering studies that include feasibility studies to evaluate the feasibility of implementing projects, environmental impact studies, and optimal design studies to determine the best design solutions for the project.
Our team also provides technical consulting, which includes advising clients on various aspects of the project, such as selecting materials and techniques, applying construction standards, and obtaining the necessary permits.

Planning services:

City Planning, Our team prepares comprehensive plans for city development, taking into account the needs of the population, infrastructure and economy. In addition to site planning, this includes evaluating sites and determining their best use, taking into account environmental, social and economic factors.
and transportation planning, which includes the design of public transportation systems, such as road and railway networks, taking into account the mobility needs of the community.

Supervision services:

Our experts supervise the implementation of projects, including monitoring the progress of construction projects and ensuring contractor compliance with specifications and schedule. And quality management to verify the application of quality standards and control the quality of materials and the construction process. In addition to ensuring safety to ensure the safety of workers and the site during the construction stages.

Design Services:

This includes the design of residential, commercial, institutional, industrial and healthcare buildings, taking into account all functional, aesthetic and structural aspects. Infrastructure design, which includes the design of roads, bridges, tunnels, sewage networks, water treatment plants, and others. And the design of industrial projects, which includes the design of factories, power stations and other facilities, taking into account safety and production efficiency requirements. Designing environmental projects that include designing waste treatment plants, renewable energy projects, and other projects related to environmental protection.

Contact Us

    Head Office

    7774 صلاح الدين الايوبي
    4379، حي الملك عبدالعزيز, Riyadh 12233